29 March 2007

Strange Dreams

Every now and then I fall into a strange sleep pattern where I wake up at about four in the morning and then go back to sleep where I have the most detailed, lucid and surreal dreams imaginable. The last one was a couple of weeks ago.

In the dream I was a multi-millionaire and I agreed to help a man start a donkey sanctuary. I told him to take as much money as he needed and left him to it. When I returned the sanctuary was built but had taken the form of a sixteen storey building. The fourth floor was where he had housed the Bengal tigers and the sixth floor contained and advanced system for remote controlling the tropical island of St Lucia which had been modified to allow it to be driven around the West Indies (possibly the whole World).

Unfortunately I woke before finding out if any of the remaining floors actually contained donkeys. Some people think dreams actually have meaning and if this is so then maybe my subconscious is telling me not to leave tasks to other people when I should be involved myself or maybe to be kind to donkeys. It might also be telling me to seize control of St Lucia (that seems more likely).

Anyone wishing to learn more about donkey sanctuary's go here.
Anyone wishing to learn more about Bengal Tigers go here.
Anyone wishing to learn more about St Lucia go here.
Anyone wishing to learn more about weird dreams go here.

That is all.

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